PICO/CAT table Rotation # and Type Week # PICO/Mini-CAT Question RT 1 – Urgent Care WK 1 PICO Does vitamin D supplementation affect the risk or severity of SARS-CoV-19 in patient population over 65?     WK 2 PICO Does packing of a drained abscess affect pain scores and healing time?     WK 4 PICO How effective is switching to e-cigarettes from smoking actual cigarettes in prevention of lung cancer and decreasing oxidative stress on a lung?   RT 2 – Emergency Medicine WK 2 PICO Does intensity of anticoagulation for Covid patients affect patient outcomes such as D-dimer …

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Urgent Care H&P

MEDICAL HISTORY                                             Date:       02/10/21                    Time: 11:00am IDENTIFICATION:     E.M.                                 Sex:  F            Race:  n/a             Nationality:     US       Age:  19                Marital status: Single Address:          n/a                             Religion: n/a PCD: Informant          self                          Reliability            reliable                  Referral none CHIEF COMPLAINT      S/P MVA Neck Pain x 2 days                                                                                             HPI 19 y/o F w s/p MVA presents to CUC w a c/o neck pain x 2 days. Patient reports she was a driver wearing a seatbelt on a highway when stopped and her car was hit from behind by a truck on an unknown speed. On the day of the accident patient went to ED where no imaging was …

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Journal Article Summary

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7249245/ Manual acupuncture versus sham acupuncture and usual care for prophylaxis of episodic migraine without aura: multicentre, randomised clinical trial The latest Global Burden of Disease Study showed that 1.25 billion people had migraine in 2017. In the 15-49 year age group, migraine was the top cause of life lived with disability. Although according to current guidelines Sumatriptan is considered an extremely effective migraine-abortive medication with minimal side effects. It is effective for approximately 70% of patients and since many patients refuse to take any medication, studies show that only 13% of patients reported current use of preventive drugs. From …

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Urgent Care Site Evaluation Presentation Summary

During my two site visits, I presented two H&Ps and one journal article. Writing H&P in an Urgent Care setting is slightly different than the H&P we learned how to write in class. It is more focused and has a legislative component to it. For example, for my post MVA patient with a mild trapezius contusion including NEXUS criteria as a reason why I deferred imaging was something that would have been a good point to make in case if I have unintentionally omitted anything that could have prompted imaging at that point. I thought of NEXUS criteria when I …

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